Uploading a File to Aws in Jmeter Get 0 Bytes

xiii. Remote Testing

In the result that your JMeter client machine is unable, performance-wise, to simulate enough users to stress your server or is limited at network level, an choice exists to control multiple, remote JMeter engines from a single JMeter client. Past running JMeter remotely, you can replicate a test beyond many depression-end computers and thus simulate a larger load on the server. One case of the JMeter client can command any number of remote JMeter instances, and collect all the data from them. This offers the post-obit features:

  • Saving of test samples to the local automobile
  • Management of multiple JMeterEngines from a single machine
  • No demand to re-create the test plan to each server - the client sends information technology to all the servers

Note: The same test programme is run by all the servers. JMeter does not distribute the load between servers, each runs the full test program. So if yous set chiliad Threads and have 6 JMeter server, you end up injecting 6000 Threads.

Yet, remote mode does utilize more resources than running the same number of CLI mode tests independently. If many server instances are used, the client JMeter tin become overloaded, as can the client network connection. This has been improved by switching to Stripped modes (run across below) but you lot should ever check that your customer is not overloaded.

Note that while you lot can execute the JMeterEngine on your application server, you need to be mindful of the fact that this will be calculation processing overhead on the application server and thus your testing results will be somewhat tainted. The recommended approach is to have one or more than machines on the same Ethernet segment equally your application server that you lot configure to run the JMeter Engine. This will minimize the bear on of the network on the test results without impacting the performance of the application server itself.

Step 0: Configure the nodes

Brand certain that all the nodes (client and servers) :

  • are running exactly the same version of JMeter.
  • are using the same version of Java on all systems. Using different versions of Java may piece of work just is discouraged.
  • have a valid keystore for RMI over SSL, or yous have disabled the use of SSL.

If the test uses any information files, note that these are non sent across by the client and then make certain that these are bachelor in the appropriate directory on each server. If necessary yous tin can define different values for properties by editing the user.backdrop or organisation.properties files on each server. These properties will be picked upward when the server is started and may be used in the exam plan to touch on its behaviour (eastward.g. connecting to a different remote server). Alternatively use different content in any datafiles used past the test (east.thou. if each server must use unique ids, divide these betwixt the data files)

Step 1: Start the servers

To run JMeter in remote node, offset the JMeter server component on all machines yous wish to run on by running the JMETER_HOME/bin/jmeter-server (unix) or JMETER_HOME/bin/jmeter-server.bat (windows) script.

Note that there can only be 1 JMeter server on each node unless different RMI ports are used.

The JMeter server application starts the RMI registry itself; there is no need to starting time RMI registry separately.

By default, RMI uses a dynamic port for the JMeter server engine. This can cause problems for firewalls, so y'all can define the JMeter property server.rmi.localport to control this port number. it will be used every bit the local port number for the server engine.

Pace 2: Add the server IP to your client'south Properties File

Edit the backdrop file on the controlling JMeter machine. In JMETER_HOME/bin/jmeter.backdrop, find the holding named "remote_hosts" and add the value of your running JMeter server's IP accost. Multiple such servers can be added, comma-delimited.

Note that you tin use the -R command line option instead to specify the remote host(due south) to use. This has the same effect equally using -r and -Jremote_hosts={serverlist}. E.thousand.

jmeter -Rhost1,,host2

If you define the JMeter property server.exitaftertest=true, then the server will exit later information technology runs a unmarried test. Run into also the -X flag (described below)

Stride 3a: Start the JMeter Customer from a GUI customer to check configuration

Now you are gear up to start the controlling JMeter client. For MS-Windows, first the client with the script "bin/jmeter.bat". For UNIX, use the script "bin/jmeter". You volition notice that the Run menu contains two new sub-menus: "Remote First" and "Remote Cease" (come across figure i). These menus incorporate the client that you set in the properties file. Employ the remote start and end instead of the normal JMeter start and stop menu items.

Figure 1 - Run Menu
Effigy 1 - Run Menu

Step 3b: Start the JMeter from a CLI mode Customer

GUI mode should only exist used for debugging, every bit a better alternative, you should outset the test on remote server(due south) from a CLI mode (command-line) client. The command to do this is:

jmeter -n -t script.jmx -r        


jmeter -northward -t script.jmx -R server1,server2,…        

Other flags that may be useful:

ascertain a property in all the servers (may announced more than than in one case)
Leave remote servers at the end of the test.

The starting time example volition start the test on whatever servers are defined in the JMeter belongings remote_hosts;
The second example will ascertain remote_hosts from the list of servers and then start the test on the remote servers.
The command-line customer volition get out when all the remote servers have stopped.

13.one Setting up SSL¶

Since JMeter four.0 the default transport mechanism for RMI volition use SSL. SSL needs keys and certificates to work. You lot will have to create those keys yourself.

The simplest setup is to utilize 1 key/cert pair for all JMeter servers and clients you desire to connect. JMeter comes with a script to generate a keystore that contains one key (and its respective certificate) named rmi. The script is located in the bin directory and is bachelor for Windows systems (called bin/create-rmi-keystore.bat) and Unix like systems (called bin/create-rmi-keystore.sh). It volition generate a key-pair, that is valid for 7 days, with a default passphrase of value 'changeit'. Information technology is brash to call it from inside the bin directory.

When you run the script, information technology will enquire yous some questions well-nigh some names it will embed in the certificate. Yous can type in whatsoever you want, as long the keystore tool accepts it. That value has to friction match the property server.rmi.ssl.keystore.alias, which defaults to rmi. A sample session to create the keystore is shown beneath.

$ cd jmeter/bin $ ./create-rmi-keystore.sh What is your first and last name?   [Unknown]:  rmi What is the name of your organizational unit?   [Unknown]:  My unit of measurement name What is the proper name of your organization?   [Unknown]:  My system name What is the name of your Metropolis or Locality?   [Unknown]:  Your City What is the proper noun of your State or Province?   [Unknown]:  Your Land What is the two-letter country lawmaking for this unit?   [Unknown]:  XY Is CN=rmi, OU=My unit of measurement name, O=My organisation name, 50=Your Metropolis, ST=Your State, C=XY correct?   [no]:  yep  Copy the generated rmi_keystore.jks to jmeter/bin folder or reference it in belongings 'server.rmi.ssl.keystore.file'          

The defaults settings for RMI should work with this setup. Copy the file bin/rmi_keystore.jks to every JMeter server and client yous want to use for your distributed testing setup.

13.two Doing it Manually¶

In some cases, the jmeter-server script may not work for you lot (if you are using an Bone platform not anticipated by the JMeter developers). Here is how to start the JMeter servers (step 1 above) with a more transmission process:

Step 1a: Start the RMI Registry

Since JMeter ii.three.i, the RMI registry is started by the JMeter server, so this section does not apply in the normal case. To revert to the previous behaviour, define the JMeter property server.rmi.create=simulated on the server host systems and follow the instructions below.

JMeter uses Remote Method Invocation (RMI) as the remote communication machinery. Therefore, you demand to run the RMI Registry application (which is named "rmiregistry") that comes with the JDK and is located in the "bin" directory. Before running rmiregistry, make sure that the following jars are in your system classpath:

  • JMETER_HOME/lib/ext/ApacheJMeter_core.jar
  • JMETER_HOME/lib/jorphan.jar
  • JMETER_HOME/lib/logkit-2.0.jar

The rmiregistry application needs access to certain JMeter classes. Run rmiregistry with no parameters. By default the application listens to port 1099.

Stride 1b: Kickoff the JMeter Server

Once the RMI Registry application is running, start the JMeter Server. Employ the "-s" option with the jmeter startup script ("jmeter -s").

Steps 2 and three remain the aforementioned.

13.3 Tips¶

JMeter/RMI requires a connexion from the client to the server. This will use the port you chose, default 1099.
JMeter/RMI also requires a reverse connection in club to render sample results from the server to the customer.
These will utilize high-numbered ports.
These ports can be controlled by jmeter property chosen customer.rmi.localport in jmeter.properties.
If this is not-naught, information technology will exist used every bit the base for local port numbers for the client engine. At the moment JMeter volition open upwardly to three ports showtime with the port defined in client.rmi.localport. If there are any firewalls or other network filters between JMeter client and server, you will need to make sure that they are set upwardly to allow the connections through. If necessary, utilise monitoring software to evidence what traffic is being generated.

If you're running Suse Linux, these tips may help. The default installation may enable the firewall. In that instance, remote testing will not work properly. The following tips were contributed by Sergey Ten.

If you run into connections refused, turn on debugging by passing the following options.

rmiregistry -J-Dsun.rmi.log.debug=truthful \      -J-Dsun.rmi.server.exceptionTrace=true \      -J-Dsun.rmi.loader.logLevel=verbose \      -J-Dsun.rmi.dgc.logLevel=verbose \      -J-Dsun.rmi.send.logLevel=verbose \      -J-Dsun.rmi.ship.tcp.logLevel=verbose \          

Since JMeter ii.three.1, the RMI registry is started by the server; yet the options tin can all the same be passed in from the JMeter control line. For instance: "jmeter -south -Dsun.rmi.loader.logLevel=verbose" (i.e. omit the -J prefixes). Alternatively the properties can be divers in the system.backdrop file.

The solution to the trouble is to remove the loopbacks 127.0.0.i and from /etc/hosts. What happens is jmeter-server tin't connect to rmiregistry if 127.0.0.ii loopback is not available. Use the following settings to fix the problem.

Supervene upon

`dirname $0`/jmeter  -south "$@"


HOST="-Djava.rmi.server.hostname=[computer_name][computer_domain] \       -Djava.security.policy=`dirname $0`/[policy_file]" \ `dirname $0`/jmeter $HOST -s "$@"          

Also create a policy file and add [computer_name][computer_domain] line to /etc/hosts.

In club to meliorate support SSH-tunneling of the RMI advice channels used in remote testing, since JMeter 2.6:

  • a new holding "customer.rmi.localport" tin can exist set to control the RMI port used past the RemoteSampleListenerImpl
  • To back up tunneling RMI traffic over an SSH tunnel as the remote endpoint using a port on the local motorcar, loopback interface is now allowed to be used if it has been specified directly using the Java System Property "coffee.rmi.server.hostname" parameter.

13.4 Using a dissimilar port¶

By default, JMeter uses the standard RMI port 1099. Information technology is possible to change this. For this to work successfully, all the following need to agree:

  • On the server, get-go rmiregistry using the new port number
  • On the server, start JMeter with the belongings server_port defined
  • On the customer, update the remote_hosts property to include the new remote host:port settings

Since JMeter 2.ane.1, the jmeter-server scripts provide support for changing the port. For example, presume you lot desire to utilise port 1664 (peradventure 1099 is already used).

On Windows (in a DOS box)

C:\JMETER> Gear up SERVER_PORT=1664 C:\JMETER> JMETER-SERVER [other options]          

On Unix:

$ SERVER_PORT=1664 jmeter-server [other options]          

[N.B. use upper case for the environment variable]

In both cases, the script starts rmiregistry on the specified port, and so starts JMeter in server mode, having defined the "server_port" belongings.

The chosen port volition exist logged in the server jmeter.log file (rmiregistry does not create a log file).

13.5 Using a different sample sender¶

Listeners in the exam plan send their results back to the client JMeter which writes the results to the specified files By default, samples are sent back synchronously every bit they are generated. This can affect the maximum throughput of the server exam; the sample consequence has to exist sent back before the thread can continue. There are some JMeter properties that can be set to alter this behaviour.

sample sending mode - default is StrippedBatch since ii.nine. This should be fix on the client node.
ship samples synchronously as presently as they are generated
agree samples in an array until the finish of a run. This may utilise a lot of memory on the server and is discouraged.
shop samples in a disk file (nether java.io.temp) until the end of a run. The serialised data file is deleted on JVM leave.
remove responseData from successful samples, and utilize DiskStore sender to send them.
send saved samples when either the count (num_sample_threshold) or time (time_threshold) exceeds a threshold, at which point the samples are sent synchronously. The thresholds can be configured on the server using the post-obit properties:
number of samples to accrue, default 100
time threshold, default 60000 ms = 60 seconds
See too the Asynch mode, described beneath.
ship a summary sample when either the count or fourth dimension exceeds a threshold. The samples are summarised by thread grouping proper noun and sample label. The following fields are accumulated:
  • elapsed time
  • latency
  • bytes
  • sample count
  • mistake count
Other fields that vary between samples are lost.
remove responseData from successful samples
remove responseData from successful samples, and use Batch sender to ship them.
samples are temporarily stored in a local queue. A separate worker thread sends the samples. This allows the test thread to continue without waiting for the result to exist sent dorsum to the client. However, if samples are being created faster than they tin can exist sent, the queue will somewhen fill up, and the sampler thread volition block until some samples tin exist drained from the queue. This mode is useful for smoothing out peaks in sample generation. The queue size tin be adjusted by setting the JMeter property asynch.batch.queue.size (default 100) on the server node.
remove responseData from successful samples, and use Async sender to send them.
Custom implementation
set the manner parameter to your custom sample sender course name. This must implement the interface SampleSender and have a constructor which takes a single parameter of type RemoteSampleListener.

Stripped mode family strips responseData and then this means that some Elements that rely on the previous responseData being available will not piece of work.
This is not really a trouble as in that location is always a more than efficient way to implement this feature.

The following backdrop employ to the Batch and Statistical modes:

number of samples in a batch (default 100)
number of milliseconds to wait (default 60 seconds)

xiii.half-dozen Dealing with nodes that failed starting¶

For large-scale tests there is a chance that some office of remote servers will be unavailable or down. For example, when you use automation script to allocate many cloud machines and use them every bit generators, some of requested machines might fail booting considering of deject'south issues. Since JMeter ii.13 there are new properties to control this behaviour.

First what you might want is to retry initialization attempts in promise that failed nodes just slightly delayed their boot. To enable retries, y'all should gear up customer.tries holding to total number of connexion attempts. By default information technology does merely one effort. To control retry filibuster, set the client.retries_delay property to number of milliseconds to sleep between attempts.

Finally, you might however want to run the test with those generators that succeeded initialization and skipping failed nodes. To enable that, set the client.continue_on_fail=true property.

13.vii Using a security-director¶

When running JMeter in a distributed environs you have to be enlightened, that JMeter is basically a remote execution agent on both the server and client side. This could exist used by a malicious party to gain farther access, once information technology has compromised one of the JMeter clients or servers. To mitigate this Java has the concept of a security manager that gets asked by the JVM earlier potential unsafe actions are executed. Those deportment could be resolving host names, creating or reading files or executing commands in the Os.

The security manager tin can be enabled by setting the Coffee arrangement properties coffee.security.manager and coffee.security.policy. Exist certain to have a await at the Quick Tour of Controlling Applications.

Using the new mechansism of setenv.sh (or setenv.bat under Windows) you can enable the security director past adding the post-obit code snippet to ${JMETER_HOME}/bin/setenv.sh:

JVM_ARGS=" \    -Djava.security.director \    -Djava.security.policy=${JMETER_HOME}/bin/coffee.policy \    -Djmeter.dwelling house=${JMETER_HOME} \ "

The JVM will now add the policies defined in the file ${JMETER_HOME}/bin/java.policy to the mayhap globally defined policies. If you desire your definition to be the just source for policies, apply two equal signs instead of one when setting the property java.security.policy.

The policies will be dependent upon your use instance and information technology might take a while to detect the correct restricted and allowed deportment. Coffee tin can help you detect the needed policies with the property java.security.debug. Set it to access and it will log all permissions, that it gets asked to allow. Simply add the post-obit line to your setenv.sh:

JVM_ARGS="${JVM_ARGS} -Djava.security.debug=access"

It might look a bit strange, that we define a Coffee system property jmeter.dwelling with the value of ${JMETER_HOME}. This variable will exist used in the example coffee.policy to limit the file system access and let information technology just to read JMeters configuration and libraries and restrict write access to specific locations, only.

The post-obit policy definition file has been used for a simple remote test. Yous will probably accept to tweak the policies, when you run more than circuitous scenarios. The test plans are somewhere placed inside the users home directory under a directory called jmeter-testplans. The sample java.policy looks like:

grant codeBase "file:${jmeter.home}/bin/*" {   permission java.security.AllPermission; };  grant codeBase "file:${jmeter.home}/lib/jorphan.jar" {   permission coffee.security.AllPermission; };  grant codeBase "file:${jmeter.domicile}/lib/log4j-api-two.eleven.1.jar" {   permission coffee.security.AllPermission; };  grant codeBase "file:${jmeter.home}/lib/log4j-slf4j-impl-2.11.1.jar" {   permission java.security.AllPermission; };  grant codeBase "file:${jmeter.home}/lib/slf4j-api-1.7.25.jar" {   permission coffee.security.AllPermission; };  grant codeBase "file:${jmeter.home}/lib/log4j-core-2.eleven.ane.jar" {   permission java.security.AllPermission; };  grant codeBase "file:${jmeter.domicile}/lib/ext/*" {   permission java.security.AllPermission; };  grant codeBase "file:${jmeter.domicile}/lib/httpclient-4.5.half dozen.jar" {   permission coffee.net.SocketPermission "*", "connect,resolve"; };  grant codeBase "file:${jmeter.home}/lib/darcula.jar" {   permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "modifyThreadGroup"; };  grant codeBase "file:${jmeter.home}/lib/xercesImpl-2.12.0.jar" {   permission java.io.FilePermission "${coffee.domicile}/lib/xerces.properties", "read"; };  grant codeBase "file:${jmeter.habitation}/lib/groovy-all-2.iv.15.jar" {   permission groovy.security.GroovyCodeSourcePermission "/groovy/script";   permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "accessClassInPackage.sunday.reflect";   permission coffee.lang.RuntimePermission "getProtectionDomain"; };  grant {   permission coffee.io.FilePermission "${jmeter.dwelling house}/backups", "read,write";   permission java.io.FilePermission "${jmeter.domicile}/backups/*", "read,write,delete";   permission coffee.io.FilePermission "${jmeter.dwelling}/bin/upgrade.properties", "read";   permission java.io.FilePermission "${jmeter.home}/lib/ext/-", "read";   permission java.io.FilePermission "${jmeter.home}/lib/ext", "read";   permission java.io.FilePermission "${jmeter.domicile}/lib/-", "read";   permission java.io.FilePermission "${user.dwelling}/jmeter-testplans/-", "read,write";   permission java.io.SerializablePermission "enableSubclassImplementation";   permission coffee.lang.reverberate.ReflectPermission "suppressAccessChecks";   permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "accessClassInPackage.jdk.internal.dynalink.support";   permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "accessClassInPackage.dominicus.awt";   permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "accessClassInPackage.sun.misc";   permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "accessClassInPackage.sun.swing";   permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "accessDeclaredMembers";   permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "createClassLoader";   permission coffee.lang.RuntimePermission "createSecurityManager";   permission coffee.lang.RuntimePermission "getClassLoader";   permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "getenv.*";   permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "nashorn.createGlobal";   permission java.util.PropertyPermission "*", "read"; };          

The usage of java.security.AllPermission is an like shooting fish in a barrel manner to make your test plans work, simply it might be a unsafe shortcut on your path to security.


Source: https://jmeter.apache.org/usermanual/remote-test.html

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